Health Benefits & Nutrition of Pumpkin Seed Oil
Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil
But first….if you don’t know about the difference between North American pumpkin seeds and Styrian Gold pumpkin seeds…..CLICK HERE to find out.
Health and Nutrition of Styrian Pumpkin Seeds and Oil
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” -Hippocrates 460-377BC
The healing power of pumpkins and pumpkin seeds was discovered centuries ago from Central America, particularly Mexico. The flesh has been commonly used for the treatment of skin irritations, ulcers and tumors.
However, the real power is in the seeds. Pumpkin seeds are amazing little bites of nutrition and disease prevention. Loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, they are among the world’s most beneficial superfoods. These seeds are an excellent source of many important nutrients for our bodies which are in short supply in the average western diet.
For thousands of years, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil have been used as a natural remedy for irritation of the bladder and kidneys as well as for prostate irregularities. Pumpkin seeds have made the news headlines in recent years for their preventative power in relation to prostate conditions and prostate health.
Here is a short video that gives a quick look at some of the many health benefits of Pumpkin Seeds: CLICK HERE
Healthy Phytonutrients in the Oil
These special molecules made by plants – phytonutrients or phytochemicals or phytoestrogens have shown to help the body control cholesterol levels, heart rate and blood pressure as well as help facilitate healthy hormone balancing. The characteristic dark green colour of Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil is a result of the phytonutrients present in the oil. Did you know that Scientists have only recently discovered many thousand of kinds of these nutrients and more are being found every year? Scientists have grouped these substances based on their protective functions and the physical characteristics of the molecules: These include:
Polyphenols, Carotenoids, Isoflavones, Isothiocyanates, Thiols & Tocotrienols
CLICK HERE for more detailed information about these amazing chemical compounds found only in plants and a detailed description of the main groups listed above. “These represent just a few of the exciting and emerging new nutrients from plants that have hit the Natural Products Industry. There are still many yet to be identified and isolated for study. Their importance should not be underestimated since they elicit protective benefits that are more powerful than vitamins and minerals”.
CLICK HERE to read a 2011 pilot study of the effects of these healthy nutrients in women.
Pumpkin Seed Oil and Urinary Tract Health
For centuries health practitioners have been using pumpkin seed oil as a relief for urinary tract issues – including bladder, kidneys, the whole downstairs plumbing….men and women!
CLICK HERE to read a 2014 study published in the Journal of Traditional & Complementary Medicine on how Pumpkin Seed Oil Improves Urinary Disorder in Human Overactive Bladder.
Of course this can apply to your pets as well!
Pumpkin Seed Oil and Prostate Health
Studies done on Styrian Pumpkin Seeds (Cucurbita pepo var.styriaca also known as var. oleifera) and Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil show that prostate enlargement may be slowed, stopped and even reversed.
CLICK HERE to read the 2007 study, Seeds and oil of the Styrian oil pumpkin: Components and biological activities done by Gilbert O. Fruhwirth and Albin Hermetter from the Institute of Biochemistry, Graz University of Technology, Austria.
CLICK HERE to read a more recent study, Effects of pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto oil in Korean men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia done in 2009 by a group of Korean researchers.
According to the studies above, the active ingredients in Styrian Pumpkin Seeds normalize and strengthen the musculature of the bladder and have a positive and prophylactic effect on benign prostate growths in the first and second stages. Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil, in comparison to the other oils studied, showed the highest antioxidation effect.
CLICK HERE to read about a new study linking Prostate Inflammation and Parasites….”the little flukes get in there because they love the abundance of Zinc, you don’t feel it but they eventually inflame the gland and then cause the symptoms we notice”……yet another clue to the correlation between Pumpkin Seed Oil, Parasites and Prostate health.
If used as a preventative measure early enough or as a supplement to a regular diet, the nutrients in pumpkin seeds and oil could contribute to avoiding urinary tract and prostate issues later in life, especially in men over 40 years old.
CLICK HERE for an in-depth nutrient analysis of pumpkin seeds.
CLICK HERE for a some great general pumpkin seed information but with a focus on the North American pumpkin seeds.
Also there has never been any indication that eating pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed oil, even in higher doses, has any negative side effects. Neither does it produce any complications when taken in combination with other foods or medicine.
Many studies have shown that people affected with prostate hyperplasia report marked improvement when they include pumpkins seeds and oil in their diets.
Pumpkin Seeds are Alkaline-Forming
Our bodies naturally try to keep us as neutral as possible by balancing pH levels. Health professionals are well aware that a high level of acidity in the body makes us much more prone to disease. Many of the foods we eat today are acidic. It is becoming increasingly important to eat foods that help to counter effect this imbalance. Pumpkin seeds are becoming an important food to add to our diets because they are one of the highest alkaline-forming foods for our bodies.
CLICK HERE for a list of alkaline foods.
Pumpkin Seeds are Powerful Antioxidants
Studies also show that Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil in comparison to other unrefined vegetable oils, has the highest protective effect against “free radicals, which are aggressive molecules that cause harm to the body.
Pumpkin Seeds contain biologically valuable fatty acids, including:
- Omega 3 (polyunsaturated fatty acid)
- Omega 6 (unsaturated fatty acid)
Pumpkin Seeds – High in Tryptophan
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that the body needs in order to synthesize proteins. Our bodies cannot make it so we have to get it from the foods we eat. It is converted into serotonin and niacin, which are known to help brain function, including getting a restful sleep. Pumpkin Seeds are ranked among the best plant-based foods to contain tryptophan. Just 1 ounce (28 grams) of pumpkin seeds or 1 table spoon (15 ml) of the oil contains 160 mg of Tryptophan. That’s 58% of the recommended daily intake.
CLICK HERE for more info and a list of foods high in Tryptophan.
CLICK HERE for more info and a list of VEGAN foods high in Tryptophan
When it comes to mental health and sleep, tryptophan really is a miracle substance having numerous benefits, including relief from:
- Depression, Anxiety, Irritability, Stress, Behavioral problems, Premenstrual syndrome, Binge eating and carb cravings (thus helping weight loss)
Pumpkin Seed Oil for Pets
Dogs, cats, horses, all domesticated mammals and even humans…..we are all made of the same stuff and therefor need the same nutrients for healthy body. Raw pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil are valued for many kinds of pets as:
- An excellent source of antioxidants, phyto-nutrients, protein, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, folic acid, and Vitamin A.
- Immune system support for all mammals.
- An anti-parasite treatment (natural de-wormer) for intestinal parasites like tapeworm. Cucurbitin, one of the active components in the oil, works by paralyzing the parasites, which allows them to be eliminated naturally.
- An elixir for the digestive system that supports healthy digestion and soothes the digestive tract.
- An ulcer treatment in horses.
- A treatment for constipation.
Just a daily tea spoon in your small dog’s or cat’s dish….or a table spoon for larger animals can go a long way to keeping your valued family member fit and healthy. For articles and more info CLICK HERE(allnaturalpetcare) or HERE(topdogtips) or HERE(yourdogadvisor) or HERE.
Vitamin Profile for Styrian Pumpkin Seeds and Pumpkin Seed OIL
- 1% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds. – 2% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- aids normal bone and tooth development
- aids in the development and maintenance of night vision
- aids in maintaining the health of the skin and membranes
- helps build strong bones and teeth
- supports night vision
- supports healthy skin
- 7% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 8% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- releases energy from carbohydrate
- aids normal growth
- 4% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 4% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- is a factor in energy metabolism and tissue formation
- 10% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 8% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- aids in normal growth and development
- is a factor in energy metabolism and tissue formation
- 5% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 3% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- is a factor in energy metabolism and tissue formation
- 4% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 3% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- is a factor in energy metabolism and tissue formation
- 5% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 4% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- aids in red blood cell formation
- is a factor in normal early fetal development
- is a factor in the normal early development of the fetal brain and
- spinal cord
- 1% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 1% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- is a factor in the development and maintenance of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums
- is a dietary antioxidant that helps to reduce free radicals and lipid
- oxidation in body tissues and significantly decreases the adverse
- effects of free radicals on normal physiological functions
- helps build teeth, bones, cartilage and gums
- a whopping 79% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 85% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- is a dietary antioxidant that protects the fat in body tissues from oxidation
- an important fat-soluble vitamin that’s required for the proper function of many organs, enzymatic activities and neurological processes
- supports immune function
- helps prevent inflammation
- promotes eye health
- good for the skin from the inside-out
- helps the body control cholesterol levels
- helps the body balance hormones
- 3% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 9% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- allows blood to clot normally
- helps protect bones from fracture
- helps prevent post-menopausal bone loss
- helps prevent calcification of arteries
- helps maintain liver and prostate health
Mineral Profile for Styrian Pumpkin seeds and Pumpkin Seed OIL
- 1% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 1% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- aids in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth
- protects heart muscle
- aids in controlling blood pressure
- helps the body control ph levels
- reduces the risk of kidney stones
- lessen the symptoms of a premenstrual syndrome like dizziness, mood swings, hypertension
- helps in maintaining optimal body weight in both males and females
- 21% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 21% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- helps the body utilize iron
- is a factor in reducing tissue damage caused by free radicals
- helps maintain the health of bones and connective tissues
- helps the body produce a pigment called melanin
- is a factor in maintaining the normal function of the thyroid gland
- is a factor in preserving the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects the nerves
- 16% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 23% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- is a factor in red blood cell formation
- is vital to the proper function of hemoglobin, a protein needed to transport oxygen in the blood
- is an important facilitator for regulating body temperature
- acts as a carrier of oxygen and thus participates in transferring oxygen from one cell to another
- actively takes part in the synthesis of a number of essential neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin
- key role in providing strength to the immune system
- can help improve concentration and boost cognitive performance
- 41% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 48% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body
- is a factor in energy metabolism, tissue formation and bone development
- a key mineral in regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, blood pressure
- a key mineral in making protein, bone, and DNA
- plays a critical role in brain function and mood
- helps lower blood pressure in people with elevated levels but does not seem to have the same effect in those with normal levels
- 62% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 52% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- helps the body utilize several key nutrients such as biotin, thiamin, ascorbic acid, and choline
- is a factor in keeping bones strong and healthy
- helps the body synthesize fatty acids and cholesterol
- is a factor in maintaining normal blood sugar levels
- is a factor in promoting optimal function of the thyroid gland
- is a factor in maintaining nerve health
- is a factor in protecting the cells from free-radical damage
- 39% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 39% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- is a factor in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth
- 6% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 6% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- helps muscles and nerves function properly
- is a factor in maintaining the proper electrolyte and acid-base
- balance in the body
- 6% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 4% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- is a dietary antioxidant involved in the formation of a protein that defends against oxidative stress
- helps protect against oxidative stress
- 21% of Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in 1/4 cup or 28 grams of seeds – 26% of RDA in 1 table spoon or 15 ml of oil.
- is a factor in energy metabolism and tissue formation
- use by the immune system for wound healing & blood clotting
- supports thyroid function
- necessary for prostate health, key ingredient for the formation of sperm
- improves senses of taste and smell
- is a factor in protein synthesis, enzymatic function, and carbohydrate metabolism
- decreases oxidative stress and improved immunity levels
Styrian Gold Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I. scores high with its combination of antioxidants, unsaturated fatty acids and phytochemicals. It is also naturally cholesterol and gluten free and Certified Non-GMO (genetically modified organism)
What is P.G.I.? Find out more: CLICK HERE
For additional information about Pumpkin Seeds and Pumpkin Oil, please refer to the following articles and studies and videos:
The Remarkable Healing Properties of Pumpkin Seed
Dr Mercola – 30/9/13 – 9 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds
Super Food Profies – The Many Health Benefits of PSO
8 Healthy Reasons to Eat Pumpkin Seeds Everyday – from
Oil Pumpkins: Niche for Organic Producers
Pumpkin Seeds & their Oil: Fuelling the Styrian’s of Austria’s Engine
Pumpkin seed oil & Prostate – Healthy Oil
Health Benefits – Healthy Oil
Pumpkin Seed Oil Benefits – Health and Energy Foods
Effects of pumpkin seed oil ….on symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia
Pumpkin Seed Oil side effects and benefits –
Pumpkin Seed Oil found to help Reverse Balding – Epoch Time
Pumpkin Seeds for Ultimate Bladder Control – Epoch Times
7 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil from
10 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds from
Benefits of Pumpkin seed oil on skin and hair from
Top 10 reasons to gorge on pumpkin seeds from
VIDEO – Pumpkin Seed Oil Benefits for Hair and Skin from Agnistoka
VIDEO – Pumpkin seed Oil for Hair Growth: the Truth from Hairguard
VIDEO – Why You Should Add Pumpkin Seeds To Your Diet from Natural Cures
VIDEO – These Seeds Kill Cancer Cells, Affect Your Sleep, Improve Sight And Much More! – Sigaga Namy
VIDEO – Pumpkin Seeds: for Enlarged Prostate – Ryan Taylor
VIDEO – Eat Few Pumpkin Seeds Before Bed And This Will Happen – Natural Solution
Pumpkin Seed Oil (excellent analysis!!) – from Oil Health Benefits’s Health benefits of pumpkins:7 reasons to tuck into the Halloween favourite!
From The Alternative Daily: 11 Reasons To Eat More Pumpkin Seeds And How To Do It
From Doctors Health Press: Pumpkin-seed-oil-facts-benefits-and-recipes
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Disclaimer: The information contained on this website ( has been carefully compiled from relevant research. However, It does not guarantee any specific results as a result of any suggestions, recommendations or procedures mentioned here and the results may vary from person to person. The topics in these pages including text, graphics, videos and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only and not to be substituted for responsible, professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment and therapy. Styrian Gold Inc. is not responsible for complications that might result from treatments made based on the information provided here. You should always seek advice from a trusted and certified health practitioner.
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