The Perfect Breakfast Cereal/Fruit Bowl

The Perfect Breakfast Cereal/Fruit Bowl

Ingredients: perfect for two people

  • Fruit (all organic, seasonal if possible)
  • banana, 1 – chopped
  • strawberries, 3 to 6 – chopped
  • blueberries, raspberries or any berries, handful
  • pear, apple, orange, pineapple, kiwi, mango, any fruit at all
  • any kind of organic yogurt, 2 to 4 tablespoons – vanilla is the best
  • organic chia seeds, 1 tbsp
  • organic hemp harts, 1 tbsp
  • organic buckwheat, 1 tbsp – if you can’t find these items separately you can get “Holy Crap” breakfast cereal.
  • Styrian pumpkin seeds, 1 tbsp
  • organic raisins, cranberries or dried organic goji berries, – small handful
  • Styrian Gold pumpkin seed oil, 1 to 2 tablespoons – drizzle.



In a large bowl add fruit, yogurt, and then all other ingredients, drizzle Pumpkin Seed Oil and fold in delicately with a spoon.

Serve into 2 small bowls and enjoy.

…….With a healthy breakfast like this every day, you won’t need lunch…..!!!