
Here is the growing collection of testimonials we have received. Thank you to our valued customers! Please send us your feedback to: info@styriangold.ca or post it on our Facebook page or leave us a message here. Thanks for sharing!

Scroll down for some great testimonial photos.

Happy Customer

From a very happy customer David Eliott, BC Yes! And my supplier changed Products a few Years ago and I really forgot what a great Product you sell! I was fooled by a supplier who's interested was probably only about Profit 📈 and not Quality and I am even wondering if it was from Austria maybe it was Artificial? I can totally tell the difference, thanks forever so so much ❤

David Eliott, BC

Superior Product / Exemplary Customer Service - A Gift From The Gods!

Only recently discovered this precious oil! Styrian Gold is truly in a class of it's own...a taste like none other and truly superior to any I have used in the past. It adds a unique taste to almost any salads or veggies...one of my favs is simply drizzled on cooked kale or creamy mashed potatoes. Being totally vegan I find it enhances the taste of all my rice and veggies...YUM! After trying endless products for prostate symptoms I have found this oil to be by far the most effective...a tablespoon or two in the day and one or two at bedtime and sleeping through the night! Also I cannot say enough about customer service...after having a delivery problem they went above and beyond to resolve the problem! This oil is bordering on addictive...will be a lifelong customer!,....a gift from the Golds!

George - 2024-12-27

satisfied customer

Prostate Issues

In Nov 2011 I was diagnosed with BPH and prostate cancer. I was in disbelief and very concerned because I thought I was living a healthy lifestyle! Surgery was sceduled for April and I was dead set against going under the knife. Through some investigation and internet research I learned that saw palmetto and particularly pumpkin seed oil could help. I found Styrian Gold at (Health food store in Newmarket) beginning of March and started taking about 2 to 4 tbl spoons a day. I found that I could pee better after about 2 weeks and was sleeping through the night. Wow, was I ever thrilled when the doctor noticed a marked improvement and cancelled the surgury one week before the scheduled date. The pumpkin seed oil is now part of my daily routine. Loving it on my salad, that beautiful nutty flavour can’t be beat, but prostate cancer can!! Thank you Styrian Gold.

John - May 2012


Raw Foodies Take Note!

Loving Styrian Gold’s pumpkin seed oil! I think it would go nicely with several raw food dessert recipes, raw foodies take note! In the meantime, it’s morning… put it on cucumbers or herring??? about to find out ?

Melissa - Oct. 2012


Better Than Olive Oil

I like your product better the olive oil.

A BigFan - Oct. 2012


Taste Extraordinary!

“I am so delighted with your pumpkin seed oil, the distinctive nutty flavour makes my salad, rice and pasta dishes taste extraordinary!”

Allyson - Dec. 2012


Best Oil I've Ever Tasted

Hi Arne: I bought a bottle of your pumpkin seed oil and it’s the best oil I’ve ever tasted. I have almost finished and want to get more. I was at Fiesta and they don’t sell it. Any suggestions?

Daniel - Nov. 2012


New “Secret Ingredient” for Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Hi Ernestine and Arne, It was wonderful to meet you last month and I am so happy that you brought some of your pumpkin seed oil for us to sample. I’ve since purchased some at our health food store and my husband is officially addicted. ? It’s his new “secret ingredient” for his garlic mashed potatoes. When I told my friend about your product- she said that her husband is from AUSTRIA and that he loves your product because it’s the only one that tastes like home. It seemed serendipitous. I wanted to introduce you to her. ? Have an awesome weekend,

Chris - Nov. 2012


Exquisitely The Most Decadent Elixir!

Ok, this pumpkin seed oil is just exquisitely the most decadent elixir I have ever tasted….I like to just sip it straight from a spoon…..and to think it is also GOOD for us! yum. Thank you brother, Michael for introducing us to this delicious product!

Kerry - Jan. 2013


We Are In Heaven!

My husband brought home a bottle of Styrian Gold tonight. I have family in Steiermark, and I’ve never found a pumpkin seed oil in Canada that matched what I used to get at Buchtelbars there, bringing a large bottle or two home to Canada with me each visit. We fed some Styrian gold to our 2 yr old son at dinner – he loved it, and then we each had a spoonful. WOW. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are in heaven. My husband who hadn’t tried really good pumpkin seed oil before told me later while we were preparing our toddler for tub that it was ‘life-changing’. Lol. I am so happy that you are producing this! I’ll be buying a bottle for my Oma’s birthday, and my mother’s. I know they’ll be as pleased as me. Just wonderful! p.s. We bought it at Nature’s Buzz in Ottawa.

Lisa - April, 2013


Spray Oil on Freshly Popped Popcorn!

We put it in a small sprey bottle and tried it on our freshly popped popcorn! Oh my lord! Best popcorn ever!!! Clean off the nozzel good though after because the oil is relentless.:)

Pete - Sept. 2013


New Favorite Ingredient for Guacamole!

just made a guacamole with your pumpkin seed oil and I posted it on my facebook…check it out Girlnola Stephanieit was delicious! Thanks you so much for making my new favorite product!

Stephanie - Nov. 2013


Worth Every Penny!

I haven’t purchased a product online, but rather during a health and wellness convention in Toronto. Regardless, I bought one small bottle of your pumpkin seed oil (which is heavenly) and also you were very kind and offered me a discount on your pumpkin lip balm in exchange for a little review since I understand you mentioned it’s a rather new product. I really appreciate your generosity because I find this product to be worth every penny! It’s wonderfully light, doesn’t smell overpowering, and it really nourishes your lips much like the oil itself. I just wanted to say thank you so much for giving me the pleasure of being introduced to your product line, I will definitely be investing my time and money for your quality products in the future!

Website Customer - Dec. 2013


Best Salad Recipe!

I eat it with salad almost every day. I find the best salad is made with fresh ingredients of 1/2 Romaine lettuce, 1 Tomato-halved and sliced, 2-3 sliced green onion and 4 medium thinly sliced radish. For two, largish portions, I mix approximately 6-8 tablespoons of oil with about 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of high grade balsamic vinegar, 2-3 tablespoons ground peppercorns and a little ground course sea salt and toss. You will never beat this salad. You must try this combination. But it is important that you mix it exactly right. Salt it until you can taste the salt, don’t over salt. This takes practice. I have been buying the GIA product for several years and its quality is quite good. I am a perfectionist, I got it from my Graz born father. It is true your Styrian Gold has a slight edge of refined quality over the less expensive Slovenian brand I buy, in aroma and flavour. I will use your brand for special occasions and when I want to eat the best. Congratulations on your quality.

David - Feb, 2014


Sleeping Much Better!

My wife and I attended the home show(National Home and Garden Show – Direct Energy Center) in Toronto this week and were fortunate enough to find the Styrian Gold pumpkin seed oil. The brochure stated to take it before bed time and I did. I just wanted to inform that I am now off of my prescription sleep aid. I take a tablespoon of the oil along with my regular calcium/magnesium tablet and I actually fall asleep faster than with my prescription. I am 66 years of age and have been searching for something like this for a long time. A natural way to help me sleep. I wish I had known about this many years ago. Thank you very much! I am free of that prescription sleep aid.

Roger L - March 2013


Really Amazing Stuff!

“What you give away you keep” Hi Ernestine & Arne! I met you both at the home show and talked to you more about the extraction methods of your wonderful oil! I just wanted to let you guys know that I love my products and the hand and body lotion/cream, and also suggest that it could be used for the hair. It works fabulously as a styling product or on the ends to protect against the cold, it also works as an antifriz or anti static. Really amazing stuff, if you plan to market it for hair in the future that would be great as well. I read that Pumpkin seed oil has some great benefit to prevent balding in men as well, so it seems to make sense. Anyway just a tip that I thought I’d share!

A Facebook poster - April 2014


Very Comforting Flavor!

This is the most wonderful oil I have ever tasted! I take a tablespoon or two alone…very comforting flavor! Nutty with no after taste.

Brenda - Feb. 2015


Fell In Love With The Oil Instantly!

I had surgery due to pancreatic cancer 2 years ago but was not happy with my health after that. I began to independent research and found I should be eating lots of healthy oils(fat). So I used coconut oil for cooking and flax seed and hemp seed oils for supplements. Then I found the Styrian Gold Pumpkin seed oil at The Village Grocer in Markham and was delighted in the flavour and colour when I tried it from the lady doing a demo…..I fell in love with the oil instantly! I have been putting it on all my salads for over a year now and even taking a small drinks from the bottle before sleep. I’m cancer free and healthy as can be!

A loyal customer. - Jan. 2016


Working Quite Nicely For Prostate and Bladder Issues !

Hi, I successfully received your shipment of the Styrian Gold oil and pumpkin seeds and I am very pleased with the products and I can see myself ordering these products again. The quality of the products is amazing and all I can say is a big THANK YOU! I have never seen pumpkin seeds that are so nutrient rich. I have had prostate and bladder issues and your products are working quite nicely. Thank you so much!!!

Kevin C. - Feb. 2016


I Really Like Your New Pumpkin Seed Protein Powder!

I really like your new pumpkin seed protein powder. I sprinkle it on my chia hemp pudding breakfasts and have energy for the morning! Also add to cookies and banana bread.

A Facebook poster - May 2016


I'm Seriously Addicted!

Why it’s so good: It will change your life! Sounds dramatic but it blew my mind how delicious this stuff is. My friend described it best “it’s like eating a baguette without the baguette”. This oil is for enjoying not cooking, it has a warm, toasty, buttery smooth flavour that melts in your mouth. It’s great on a salad or avocado dish or just on a spoon (I’m seriously addicted) with lots of great health benefits.

A FB post from Jill - April 2016


Really Enjoyed the Protein Powder!

Hi folks — I recently tried your pumpkin seed protein powder and really enjoyed it. We usually eat hemp protein powder in the morning with our cereal, but I’m thinking of switching. Which do you think is more nutritious — hemp protein or pumpkin protein? Thanks very much, and congratulations on your fine products.

John S - Nov. 2017


So So Delicious! I Could Just Eat It Off The Spoon!

So so delicious! I could just eat it off the spoon. Recently at the Roehampton ‘Food for the Soul’ Society I had the dinner guest try it as part of the ‘and now for something completely different’ segment. Yummy! Delicious! Wow better than I thought! was spoken. I love sharing it with friends and family.

Cheryl Millett - Oct. 2017

Holistic Nutritionist - Toronto

This Protein Powder Is A Must Have In My Kitchen!

A must have in my kitchen is Styrian Gold Pumpkin Seed Protein Powder. It’s an easy way to add extra protein to foods that are mostly rich in carbohydrates like pancakes, granola bars, cookies, muffins etc. It’s also great in smoothies, yogurt and oatmeal. Not only will you be adding extra protein, you’ll also be adding minerals like iron, magnesium and zinc. This protein powder is vegan with no added flavours or sweeteners and so easy to add to many different recipes. Enjoy!

Laura - July 2017

Well In Hand Health Food Store in Port Elgin, Ontario.

Protein Powder in Pizza Dough!

That customer that you sold the protein powder to yesterday came in today and gave his feedback. He said it was really good compared to the other company pumpkin protein powder. He said it tasted much better and the texture was very fine and not gritty. You also gave him the sample of the pumpkin seed oil and he loved it and came in today to purchase the large bottle. He said he looked up everyone's comments online about your product and found only great reviews. My staff, Shirleen, use the protein powder with ground flax, water, oil and some herbs and spices to make a vegan thin crust pizza. She made it into a paste and then flattened it and baked it. Then she added the toppings and baked a bit more. She brought me a slice today and it was great. She has made this pizza before and it always crumbled, but with the pumpkin protein it turned out smooth and nutty tasting.

Shaheda Ai - Oct. 2015

Owner/Naturopath - Nutra Health - Midland